25 thoughts on “Mate”

  1. This is a really great playbook, Sean. Nice to have some variety, and there are some brilliant touches (fine stolen goat and not as fine stolen goat; bullshitting instead of veteran).

    One small spelling mistake I spotted; “If I jump of a bridge” should presumably be “If I jump off a bridge”).

  2. If it’s a Teamwork Roll and you’re both rolling, then you both get the Desperate XP. If you only help by spending a stress to give an extra die, and thus don’t roll, and so don’t face consequences, then you don’t get the Desperate XP. Or at least, that’s my understanding. You take the risk, you get the reward, so far as I understand.

  3. Ah, fair enough. I thought Assisting put you vulnerable to the consequences. If it doesn’t, then not getting XP is fair.

    So the ability that makes everyone have to participate in Desperate rolls gives the whole group XP then?

  4. Brad Elliott, yep. It’s in that vein for sure. Thanks for the spellcheck.

    Jason Lee and Etrius MacGuffin. In group actions everyone rolls (and gets XP if it’s desperate) and normally the leader takes 1 stress for each person that rolls a bad outcome (1-3) and everyone shares the outcome (good or bad). With Jump, the leader won’t stress themselves out (though others still can) and the fellow blades don’t get to choose if they take the action or not.

  5. I meant having a crew all of “Mates” characters with a new crew type for “paper runners” or “lost boys” or something like that

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