The Score: Scurlock Manor

The Score: Scurlock Manor

The Score: Scurlock Manor

I’m running Blades at GenCon in Games on Demand. What will our rogues be up to in Indy? Why, stealing from one of the most dangerous figures in Duskwall of course!

Here’s another one page adventure, free for anyone to use. It’s got a special nod to you Stras Acimovic.

Download it here:

10 thoughts on “The Score: Scurlock Manor”

  1. Whoa, is that guy on the bottom right the Lord Scurlock himself? 😛

    Looks awesome Sean Nittner. Excellent set up right into the epicenter of trouble and action. I love the question “What abjurations did you prepare… How have they failed you?”

    (minor typos if you’re interested: Satarra only has one “r” in the Score option “Satara’s Anchor” and the first word of Questions for the GM looks like it should be “What” rather than “Why”, and is there a second space between “perils” and “stir”?)

  2. I kid of course Andrew Shields, Scurlock can of course be anyone. I just used the pic of John because… well it’s fun to put John Harper on the spot 🙂

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