Okay, so it looks like we’ve got some people who want to play this game, but are having trouble getting someone to…

Okay, so it looks like we’ve got some people who want to play this game, but are having trouble getting someone to…

Okay, so it looks like we’ve got some people who want to play this game, but are having trouble getting someone to run it for them. I figured I was done with open table games until the game came out, but it tugs on my heart strings to see scoundrels with no scoundrelling to do.

So, I’m testing interest here. I’m thinking about putting a game together on the evening of Monday, December 28 (though that may be flexible as I’m off that day) and I’m in the CST zone. I could take 3-5 people, who would have opportunity to talk availability before I created an event (and I think I can probably run the game then, but have a little more checking to do.) This is all theoretical, you understand. Nothing that would hold up in court.

Anybody eager to play a one-shot as a Crow gang? And available Monday, December 28, in the evening, CST? I need 3-5 players to make the game viable.

6 thoughts on “Okay, so it looks like we’ve got some people who want to play this game, but are having trouble getting someone to…”

  1. If it turns out this is a go, I’ll make an updated reference sheet and also update the pre-fab characters to the most current quick start. Players can either make a character and bring it to the session, or pick a pre-fab.

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