Full for now – will post again if slots open up

Full for now – will post again if slots open up

Full for now – will post again if slots open up

Streamed Blades Campaign

Looking to run a blades game, streamed on twitch (so camera req) using roll20.

Most likely Wed, GMT say 7 to 8pm start time., but can consider other days depending on players.

Post below if interested with your possible days/timeslots.

12 thoughts on “Full for now – will post again if slots open up”

  1. Actually JUST put up a listing and a post looking for a game to join, and while it’s a little earlier than I’d like for it to start that time frame on a Wednesday could definitely work for me. I’ve played in a few short term campaigns and GMed one recently (learned GMing is a thing I am capable of but not super comfortable with) and I’m looking to get back into something as a player.

    Full available times are: Wed/Sat/Sun: 6pmGMT-End of Day GMT as start times.

  2. I can start as late as 8pm or 9pm for a 3hr game (GMT) so we can see what other people can make

    Open to all crew types, but like the idea of a smugglar crew alot but obviously mainly upto the players to choose the crew type

  3. David Gardiner My first choice is actually a smuggler crew. The only crew I’m not interested in playing is an assassin crew, and even then if everyone else involved really wanted to I’d be a team player about it. Later is better for me but whatever works for the group is fine.

  4. I’ve been looking for a Blades game as well as a streamed game, so this seems pretty perfect. I can play a 3+ hour session at the posted time.

    For crew type, Shadows would be my number one choice. But I am honestly open to all of them I think.

  5. David Gardiner I’ve got one guy on my roll20 game who says this time works for him but he’s pending approval to join the community to make the post here. John Harper​

  6. David Gardiner as I’ve had people trickling in still are we open to having a 4th? I’d personally like a 4th as it makes it more full and helps if someone has to miss a week keeping the game going with a “full” crew feel.

  7. I can’t help people join if I don’t know who they are. I’ve been getting over 100 spam account requests per day to sort through.

    If they have trouble joining, they should send me a message directly on G+ and I can assist them.

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