Can I just say, the NPC generator 2 is gold!

Can I just say, the NPC generator 2 is gold!

Can I just say, the NPC generator 2 is gold!

I’ve just been sent to a rural posting for work, and have a bit more downtime on hand, so I’ve been indulging in a little solo RP with Blades. The idea is to generate some Solo GM fun and come up with some cool ‘tales of legendary scores’ to throw at the PCs in our regular game.

Along with the steampunk Tarot, the random charts and the NPC generator have given SO much inspiration for the story. I particularly like the addition of the desires/reviles/occupation(s) ward/tavern variables – They tell a story in like, 5 words!

I’ll post a posthumous AP soon….

7 thoughts on “Can I just say, the NPC generator 2 is gold!”

  1. As the one who compiled that sheet, I am very pleased to hear it works for others beyond myself, so thanks for the feedback Nathan Roberts. I’d love to hear about any notable personages or events that have emerged from the generated keywords and stuck with the plot or players in fun ways.

    Have you found much use from the NPC Downtime Generator on the second sheet/page of that GDoc? I made that out of the faction list and score generator tables because I was failing to adequately represent the actions of other crews and factions (or even just developments or news in the city) so the PC crew was having too clean of a time achieving their goals.

    This generator has been invaluable to me to effectively run the highly improvisational nature of Blades in the Dark where the sudden availability of interesting NPC personalities really makes or breaks the crowded, interconnected Duskwall environment and teeming web of agendas, contacts, and dealing among and within factions.

    I love generators but hate how tedious and impractical rolling a bunch of things from a table can be with actual dice, so for the last year or two, I always make a one-sheet generator of tons of generated items for every game I run (like this but with way more stuff). These then essentially become all the GM screen I need.

  2. Yes Adam! The second page is highly useful. I like to merge the info with the ward maps of duskwall and slowly populate the world as I ‘discover’ new personages and their connective fibres in the story.

    You’ve done an amazing Job, and thanks so much.

    I’m also re-incorporating a lot, and find the generator does that for me. 🙂

  3. Excellent to hear, especially the benefits to re-incorporation and emergent discoveries. Those are my favorite parts of play. 

    I do also appreciate the affirming words. Sometimes I consider that my arcane GDoc formula-bending shenanigans are far from the best ways to make tools like these. Yet it’s what I know, so it’s what I do. 🙂

    If you discover changes or additions that could enhance it, by all means let me know and I’d be happy to do so.

    I look forward to your posthumous AP.

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