Session Two of “The Queen’s Hand”

Session Two of “The Queen’s Hand”

Session Two of “The Queen’s Hand”

The cult known as The Queen’s Hand had tended to their wounds and indulged in their vices. They realized that if they were to keep on being successful, they would need to hire some muscle. Enter Zachnefain, a Tycherosi Hound with a penchant for gunplay. While the Queen’s Hand had run into trouble in gunfights in the past, with “Zach” at their side, heists should go much smoother.

And so The Queen’s Hand struck again, this time in the district of Dunslough. The Siren Queen has given a new order; they are to break a convict out of Ironhook prison. The target is Edlun “Sweetheart” Maroden, who is currently serving life for killing his wife, cutting out her heart, and eating it. The crew began their planning.

Since disguising themselves worked so well last time, they decided to make this their temporary Modus Operandi, and set about obtaining three prison uniforms. They found a guardsman on-the-outs, one Wester Morrison, at a local bar in Charhollow. They don’t exactly pay well at Ironhook, and so Wester was more than eager to take a coin or two and some fine whiskey. They set up a dead drop, where Wester would leave some uniforms for them.

When Phaya, our Iruvian Leech, went to pick up the uniforms she ran into a complication: an urchin child, with a letter addressed to her from an enigmatic “E.A.” The letter instructed her to come, alone and unarmed, to Whitecrown. When Phaya followed the instructions in the letter, she found herself inside the Iruvian Consulate, in a dark room with Elstera Avrathi.

In there, Elstera offered a side-job for Phaya. Phaya would receive a substantial sum of money, and all she would have to do in return was free a prisoner named “Andris” from Ironhook. The Iruvian diplomat explained that Andris was an important “asset” to Iruvia and since Phaya was already going to be in the prison, the Consulate would look favorably upon acquiring that asset. Phaya agreed.

So the crew walked right through the front door of Ironhook, dressed in their uniforms, posing as newcomers to the job. They knew that their main target, Edlun was in solitary and that their second, Andris, was in General Population. They split up. Zachnefain went to GenPop, to try to track down Andris, while Phaya and Cyrene went off in the direction of Solitary.

Through some skillful persuasion, Cyrene and Phaya managed to convince the guards in Solitary that a fight had broken out elsewhere, and some more experienced guards were needed. The guards took off, but they would be back soon. The two set off, checking each of the cells for someone who matched the description they had of Edlun.

Meanwhile, Zach found that Andris had been sent to work in The Mire, sifting through dirt and mud for precious gems and metals. Zach, being the Hound that he is, managed to track down Andris quickly. Andris figured that the Consulate had sent someone to get him, and had the perfect cover for their escape. The prisoner picked up a sizable rock, hurled it at a nearby guard, and instigated a riot.

Cyrene and Phaya found the murderous cannibal they had been sent to find. Phaya set off small explosive devices on the locks for each of the solitary cells, and let the prisoners escape. Ironhook was in total chaos, and in this chaos they resolved to escape.

And they did so fabulously (One player rolled 3 dice at one point and all of them were 6’s.) In all the commotion, Cyrene, Phaya, and Zachnefain, with their escapees Edlun and Andris, managed to get out of the prison with minimal damage. A few people had taken a swing at Zach, but he managed to shrug it off. They had Edlun, they handed Andris off to the Iruvians (who said they would be in touch soon), and with that the Queen’s Hand had pulled off their second big heist in the name of The Siren Queen.