Played a first session with Robert Bohl, Pete Cornell and Jason Bowell.

Played a first session with Robert Bohl, Pete Cornell and Jason Bowell.

Played a first session with Robert Bohl, Pete Cornell and Jason Bowell.

In which the Wobbegong Crew steal prisoners off of a City Watch Prison Barge, sticking a thumb in the eye of the Bluecoats. They get their take and then some.

6 thoughts on “Played a first session with Robert Bohl, Pete Cornell and Jason Bowell.”

  1. It is very easy to complete a score per session in Blades in the Dark. I’ve even gotten around to doing 2 scores in a 4 hour session.

    I hear you with keeping in the characters’ shoes and not floating too much above the fiction. It can be difficult since many of the tools encourage your to float a little bit. Keeping the best practices in mind is helpful. Jump forward with scenes and characters. It’s important for downtime especially since it can turn into a montage of sorts. Making downtime concrete helps keep the scores solid as well.

    Looking forward to reading more about your game.

  2. Finally catching up to your write-up, Judd. It’s the sort of write-up I prefer: an “after action review” to be examined by colleagues. There’s a little fictional detail for context and interest, but the focus is on how you grappled with the game itself. 🙂

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