So Friday was my most recent session with my Cult crew.

So Friday was my most recent session with my Cult crew.

So Friday was my most recent session with my Cult crew. That session holds the (dubious?) honor of being the most sexually explicit session of a TTRPG I’ve ever experienced. Granted, that used to be a pretty low bar, but boy howdy if we didn’t clear it by about 20 feet. I’ll give the gist and a few highlights, probably leaving out some of the more extreme bits.

The crew was looking for an alchemist NPC to help speed up their LTPs related to creating a substitute for Leviathan Blood in the worlds economy. I decided this could be a claim, and pointed them in the direction of the Jayan’s School of Alchemy (thanks Sean Nittner!) where they found Noggs. Noggs was already owned by the Circle of Flame, but the team thought they could frame Noggs for a crime in order to get his cooperation. So the score was all about committing said crime and making it look like Noggs did it.

The crime in question was the poisoning of a Quartermaster aboard the Leviathan Hunter ship the Black Sun. The captain of this ship, Orlan Strangford, is known to be particularly vicious, so killing an officer of his crew would be worse than a death sentence if he found out about it. They got aboard the ship with the help of Nyryx, the ghost possessed prostitute, by posing as a pleasure crew. The Leech PC brought the drugs, and the rest of the PCs brought the sex. And things got messy, in more ways than one.

– The Cutter knocked his client unconscious after taking rage essence during some S&M reminiscent love making. He proceeded to the Quartermaster’s room, and realized the door was trapped, but was too angry to disarm it or wait for backup. He forced it open, triggering a needle in the handle to dose him with a poison that gave him a heart attack. Resisting with prowess he said that the rage essence and his impressive bulk let him power through it taking only a level 2 harm.

– The Lurk and the Leech drugged another client to unconsciousness, but wanted him to wake up later feeling happy and fulfilled. Somehow they decided the way to do this was a suppository full of trance powder and spark drug. A botched finesse roll later, they had to deal with a very angry and confused sailor.

– It was up to the Whisper to diffuse the aforementioned situation created by her reckless cult-mates. She opted to solve the problem the way she solves every problem, with Tempest. As she began to feel the power rise up inside she heard a whisper from inside her asking her to use its power as well as her own. This was the Forgotten God, One Within Many, that she got infected with last session. She agreed to use Its power and received a bonus die. A partial success left the sailor still confused but less angry after being battered about by a mighty wind, but allowed One Within Many to infect the Lurk PC as well. I also created a clock titled “A Debt is Collected” with 4 segments and ticked one of them.

During downtime the PCs heard a rumor about a brutal new figure named Hollow Heart. No one claims to know what he looks like or what he wants, but he is apparently responsible for destroying several small gangs in Charhollow (where they recently had a run in with a strange portal, a Forgotten God and the Path of Echoes).

The Whisper discovered a book in her quarters penned by her own hand in a language she doesn’t recognize that she has no recollection of writing. The book was accompanied by a note that said “Trust No One”

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