First Session BitD and we were creating our crew and characters within ~3.5hrs.

First Session BitD and we were creating our crew and characters within ~3.5hrs.

First Session BitD and we were creating our crew and characters within ~3.5hrs.

It was a lot of fun talking about the Capitol of Skovlan, as I had prepared a small city map and some sketches. Everyone had a lot of fun building it all up. 3 out of 5 Players had experiences with DW and AW, as well as Fate. So there were a great agreement on the fact that rolling 4-5 on a risky move will be the most fun rolls and add to narrative play styles. As we didnt yet played a score, they players seemed very enthusiastic to the Flashback Scenes, comparing it to Fiasco and Heist-Genre-Films.

Three Years ago the Capital of Skovlan, Arvead, was under siege by the 17th Legion of the Imperium. It was a locked down situation for many months, but as rumors said, a special force consisting of hightly trained whispers executed a fiendish plan in the city. They may have used an ancient device that was oce used by those who wrecked the gates of death, ages ago, to rip apart a large area of the ink-black starry sea, and summoned leviathanes and crashed them upon the helpless city, destroying the eldritch defence rings and allow demons and ghosts to ravage.

Only the appearance of a mysterious fleet of never before seen airships, who came out of the same void could turn the tide on the terrible massacre. Crews of seasoned airship sailors (some may say pirates) used their arcane technology to ward of the hordes of demons, among them mighty mages of strange powers. The most fearsome was their leader, an elderly woman, who could control the lighting energy of the towers by sheer force of will, her name onyl whispered with respect and slice of fearfull admiration: Lady Blackbird.

Another strange figure appeared in the aftermath of the siege, an old man, only known as the Magister, fighting the hidden crews of demonic cultists and their minions. Soon, gifted locals joined the fight of the old Magister to cleanse their city of infernal evil. Soem rumors said that he was once imprisioned in the large Bloodstone crystal, in the collection of the University, which was smashed under the weigth of a Leviathan, crashing the city. Of course, no one could ever expect an old man to cut his way through a leviathans body, do we?

There were plenty of other tie ins, like the cult of the palid masks, happy to rebuild the city in their own twisted architecture, very popular on the locals, as they provide cheap labor and quick actions to rebuild the new defence walls.

They like to wear yellow tatters….

More soon, after the first game-sessions.

Now one third of the city still lies in ruins but is slowly rebuild.

4 thoughts on “First Session BitD and we were creating our crew and characters within ~3.5hrs.”

  1. I do in fact let them playout some flashbacks for their Backgrounds and past history.

    Actually also the first 3 scores will be flashbacks, how they aquiered their hidden lair, within the newbuild Dimmerwall, a makeshift wall and fortress against the mutated fungi forest outside at the crashside of the Leviathans. Or how they aquiered the trust of the Tunnelcrawlers faction, who keep the stuff of the other 2 cities below Arvead’s foundation in controll, more or less. And we will explore the romance of our slide (Arkeros Noble) with the infamous Comtessa Arachne, the female version of Petyr Baelish, who runs teh cities most prestigous Bordell.

  2. Indeed, Magister Lor was frozen by Setarra in her former prison and thrown down into the deepths of the blue yonder (in my mind the other side of teh Black inked Sea of Blades)

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