Ran a FTF game of Blades yesterday at Conception a UK con with two of my on-line game characters and three new to…

Ran a FTF game of Blades yesterday at Conception a UK con with two of my on-line game characters and three new to…

Ran a FTF game of Blades yesterday at Conception a UK con with two of my on-line game characters and three new to Blades players. The crew managed to do three scores in four hours including character generation and teh final one managed to take down Ulf Ironborn. The crew arranged for the spy who was the contact for one of the Hounds to lure him to a house for information where the Leech had previously arranged him to have  Sweeny Todd moment involving a chair, a trapdoor and an acid bath. A bad roll by the Tinkering Leech caused the chair to partly miss the acid bath but the Cutter’s blade did the job aided by two other characters. The noise alerted Ulf’s second in command who rushed in to the room above only to be shot right after the Hound had put a bullet into the head of his spy Friend to clean up the loose ends. A second shot dealt with the 2-i-c and the way was open to claim not only the purse from Mylera Klev for dealing with the spy but also to take down the Ironborn’s crew as well as acquire the street fence from them. The crew are definitely on the way up.

2 thoughts on “Ran a FTF game of Blades yesterday at Conception a UK con with two of my on-line game characters and three new to…”

  1. Worked out really well and your model  Andrew Shields for running on-line drop in games provided the inspiration to throw my two hangout players into the mix for another chance to get a hold on some turf,

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