

Last session of my Blades of the Inquisition game set in the Warhammer 40,000 milieu was mainly about my Inquisition agents mingling with various Deep Tunnel gangs, religious pilgrims and charitable societies operating in the underground. But we did get around to Downtime activities, which given the heaps of wounds the acolytes had accumulated, comprised hiring a neo-Ethiopian restaurant chef named Roboute as a surgeon (they didn’t roll well) and spending an excessive amount of actions and Salary to get him to pull bullets and shrapnel from their bodies. Oh, and the team members who rolled stress relief did pretty badly. It was amusing to see that the Cleric’s vice of Dissent was carried out by anonymously distributing angry recordings calling for the dismantling of the Imperium that had failed the Emperor’s vision.

In other news, the Cleric player seems to have received his rulebook a whole week ago while I have yet to get mine. This annoys me. How long does it take to get these things sent to Malaysia?