So to get completely updated on Blades in the Dark, we return once more to the Tycherosi Bravos who have taken to…

So to get completely updated on Blades in the Dark, we return once more to the Tycherosi Bravos who have taken to…

So to get completely updated on Blades in the Dark, we return once more to the Tycherosi Bravos who have taken to calling themselves “The Streets” because remember…always be careful if you’re crossing The Streets.

We found the crew preparing to help their friend, Conway, with a supposedly “simple favor”. The group was contracted to go sneak into Evidence House #34 and burn the evidence room down, thus hiding the fact the Bluecoats had been “taking out” contraband for their own use. Being told of tunnels underneath Charterhall and securing a map from Jeren the Archivist in return for the favor of making an “example” of a former Bluecoat named Veretta who jumped sides and works as an Inspector now.

The Bravos sneaked into the basement of the evidence lockup, moldering books and archived evidence filling every space they could see as they rose up from the sewers. Unbeknownst to them, a medium had revealed their plot to the Inspectors, a group of them patrolling into the basement to find the supposed intruders.

Rather then sneak their way around the Inspectors, the Bravos moved as a group to begin taking them down one by one. Three of the Inspectors were taken out quietly before the Inspectors began to consolidate and move for the exits. Attacking as a group, the whole thing went straight to hell.

Gunshots were fired, a man’s throat was ripped out by Fangs’ sharpened teeth, and Thorns ended up in a fight against a former Red Sash that had been promoted to more legitimate work. The battle was going poorly for her at first until her cousin, Havok, shoulder tackled a rack of heavy evidence files onto the man. Most of the Inspectors were murdered, one of them blinded by a handful of broken glass.

A deal was brokered between them and the man named Vex, he would leave with his fellow Red Sash and in return, they wouldn’t get in the crew’s way and wouldn’t hold it against them. Vex agreed…once he secured a date with the pretty and dangerous Thorns. Caught by surprise at being flirted with despite having the man with his sash around his throat.

After ensuring there would be no reprisal, the crew began to move upwards. Calling upon their ally, Ulf Ironborn, they had the Skovlander gather up the Refugees and cause a riot right outside of their location. This allowed them to easily sneak upstairs to the repository, where strange essences and artifacts were temporarily kept before transferring over into the hands of the Spirit Wardens.

As they walked across the marble hallways, glyphs began to resonate upon the ground and a terrible presence made itself known. A Spirit Warden, Sister Kesserin, walked out with her lightning glaive and made an offer to them; leave now and be safe or step forward and suffer. In the light of the door, they could see the body of Veretta tied to the chair, her eyes wide and blades slipped under her nails. Rather than accept that as a message enough, Fangs pushed forward and the true battle began.

The crew went to push onwards and Kesserin acted decisively, launching a volley of lightning towards them. Thorns and Fangs dropped out of the way, Havok moving too slow and being caught in the chest with the bolt. Sent flying, he slammed into the staircase’s wall and fell down to the ground to lie as still as the dead.

Fangs and Thorns fought valiantly, viciously, and wickedly, even having prepared to have their friend Mercy outside laying down a volley of gunfire to try and hold Sister Kesserin back. A blunderbuss exploded outwards, testing the Spirit Warden’s arcane defenses. It was the alchemical concoctions known as Rage Essence that brought her down at last, both Fangs and Thorns downing their vials and attacking the Spirit Warden with all they could.

Even with their chemical advantage, the characters barely survived their battle with Sister Kesserin. The woman sacrificed her soul, her armor exploding with her last ritual which left them impaled with shrapnel, broken and bleeding. Yet their rage continued and a dark voice spoke to them, urging them forwards…

When Havok awoke, the place was quiet and the smell of blood and smoke was all around. Searching the repository, Veretta was dead and Havok was unable to find things of true value. Gathering up what he could, he headed downstairs where a terrible sight was held.

Bodies laid strewn about everywhere, desecrated and defiled in terrible ways. Arcane symbols left behind on the walls, furniture, and the ground; all in blood. Bodies hung from their own intestines and the sight could only be described as “unholy”.

In the center sat his cousin and sister, back to back. Written in blood by both their hands laid a simple message; one favor repaid. The demon of shadows and fear had one of its favors paid and the Evidence House had become the site of a massacre.

With that, the score was a success but with some complications. Only a little bit of coin and twelve points of heat! Most of their reputation and coin was spent on healing themselves and the crew. They had heard rumors that the Wott Family, a prestigious if small line of nobility, has a veritable private military onsite. They mentioned it to Ulf, who asked the group to help send a message to the oligarchy when it came to Wott.

A few things I realized I should’ve done; I should have given a heads up to a ritual glyph for the crew. It led to an awesome fight and the group had a great time. It was fun to use consequences for more than just harm, since I don’t want to paralyze their growth with spending rep and coin on healing. Then again, that is what happens sometimes. Overall, one of my favorite sessions yet.