So, despite all the odds, we finally got done with character and crew generation.

So, despite all the odds, we finally got done with character and crew generation.

So, despite all the odds, we finally got done with character and crew generation. There was a bit of an upheaval, we found out one player really didn’t want to be a cult halfway through crew generation, and that led to arguments, some players leaving, and new players joining, and a new crew sheet being selected.

The group has settled on playing as Hawkers, hoping to use the power and influence that their new product can have to eventually take vengeance against those that did them wrong. Working with a Tycherosi “scientist”, who has learned how to distill spirit essences with a potent combination of illicit hallucinogenics, and then add it into food. No name for it yet, I like the idea of ghost edibles though.

Our cast of nefarious scoundrels is as follows…

We have the Lurk still from the previous game, a Skovlander woman known as Lagertha. Originally a noblewoman, her family fled Lockport when she was a child and found residence here in Duskvol. Having lost her mother to a creeping cough, her father becoming a drunken dock worker, she is incredibly spiteful and angry. She should be dining with silver, eating off of porcelain, and not stealing small-time things just to eat for another day.

Discovered by a local locksmith who taught her some of the tricks of the trade, she has grown into quite the safe-cracker and is known for being to get in through anything. Of course, she did mess up a job and got caught (and shot) in the leg by a noblewoman after stealing some item. Yet the buyer soon disappeared and the necklace seemed worthless. Why is this woman still after her?

We have Thaddeus, the Akrosi Spider. Another nobleman who was brought low due to a spy in his midst; his own servant Jennah. The woman set all the nails correctly on the coffin and the noble families converged to wipe out this successful upstart. He only got away because of his friendship with an information broker and he longs to do the same to the other families as well as get his hands on Jennah.

We still have the Skovlander Soldier, who survived when his men were wiped out by Imperial forces. Touched by some Forgotten God, his hand and blades glowed with ephemeral force and allowed him to fight off the ghosts that attacked soon after. He very much has a “Corvo” feeling from Dishonored and is looking to strike back at the Empire for what they did to his men and his homeland.

One of the new players is playing our group’s Whisper, going by the name of Atiya and hailing far from the south, from Iruvia. She had arrived here to be a student at one of the Universities, as being a Whisper is a family tradition, but was screwed over by a student that ruined her ritual and caused a lot of damage to the school and ended up with her being expelled. Only later she realized that this student was possessed by the infamous ghost known as Nyrix. Now she hopes to capture him to find out why he interfered and looks towards more…eclectic means…for inspiration and learning.

Lastly, there is Torvald, a mighty Skovlander Hound from the mountains of his homelands. Once a hunter and fur trader, he had to flee when the destruction the Imperial Military wrought destroyed his home. With him comes a strange beast known as “Runt”. Four feet tall on all fours, lanky like a greyhound but muscular like a bear, black as hell with odd red patterns on its fur, Runt is from a breed of ghost-eating creatures called Kritters that stalk the mountains of Skovland and feast on the dead.

That makes up the crew, who haven’t decided on a name yet but are working on it. They’ve decided on being particularly ambitious and have settled in one of the ruined manors within Six Towers as their lair. Their sales territory though, is across the way in Silkshore, where they hope to get into the “night”life and hook artists who will, in turn, hook nobility and the elite. I had to come up with a gang of vice dealers that they kicked out because nothing was really catching their attention at first. So they pushed out the Red Runners, another drug dealing group, and have taken a part of Silkshore as their own.

For upgrades, the group decided on making their Lair hidden and getting the Hawker Riggings for the concealed item. In the fiction, we saw that the Skovlanders within the group approached the Grinders at one point and got buddy-buddy with them, even bringing some of their own supply as a gift to them. In return, the Grinders helped stabilize the failing castle. It still appears to be abandoned now and too unsafe to squat in. The group paid the extra coin to really ensure this gang was their friends at the moment.

For their rigging, we decided that the group “learned” it by stealing some of the ideas and techniques from the Gray Cloaks, who work in this area. The Gray Cloaks are not happy about this and are looking to take the crew down a peg. I predict a turf war to be coming.

As for their contact, the group decided to take Laroze the Bluecoat as their contact. The two of them have a friendly, if still business, relationship. This has put them in really good with the Bluecoats but have caught the eye and the ire of the Inspectors who don’t appreciate another criminal influence on the law.

All in all, the group goes as follows…

1) The Red Runners -1

2) The Grinders +2

3) The Gray Cloaks -2

4) Bluecoats +2

5) Inspectors -2

I’m still considering what my starting situation will be with them; I’m wanting it to be in Silkshore but I’m not sure which groups will go head to head and how to drag them in. Regardless, I got a little less than a week before I run again.

It was fun experience getting everything set up, a little rough trying to pick all the factions though. I want to use the ones that are in there but it is difficult seeing where they are located sometimes since some are specifically in certain areas and others are not. Overall though, I’m excited for it.

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