Session 3: Neighbourhood Watch, pt1

Session 3: Neighbourhood Watch, pt1

Session 3: Neighbourhood Watch, pt1

GM: Ben Liepis,

Khara: Kristin Hunt

Candros: Jonathan Nicol

RΓΊna: me

We were happily doing some downtime activities when these annoying people showed up….

PS – we might have an opening for another player if anyone is interested!

12 pm saturdays EST.

15 thoughts on “Session 3: Neighbourhood Watch, pt1”

  1. Don’t sweat it, I was off the first week, remember? Time zones never change in AZ, which you think would keep things simple, but no.

    And it’s Dirty Frog, not Drunk Frog. Why the hate? That place is awesome. πŸ˜‰

  2. Jonathan Nicol no problem, i’m enjoying writing them πŸ™‚ Any feedback on style or clarity is gratefully accepted πŸ™‚ Im still practicing to get better πŸ™‚

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