As seen on a torn billboard in Brightstone:

As seen on a torn billboard in Brightstone:

As seen on a torn billboard in Brightstone:

“Have your grandfather’s old dusty clock begun attracting attention from his deceased maidservants? Have those arcane baubles begun to fade in their attraction? Are those Iruvian paintings just far too gaudy for this season?

Fear not, Grimm’s Auctionhouse of Antiquities, is ready to hand all those baubles and trinkets to new interested owners, who’d appreciate the excitement of owning such little trinkets of spiritual significance. The highly educated personal would be happy to facilitate a journey to a new owner through our vast network of contacts both in Doskvol and abroad.

For further inquires, contact the Grimm Estate.”

And, once more, my group dives into the Dusk.

This time, we’re playing Hawkers, a group known as “The House of Grimm”, a dynasty of arcane pro-curers (legal as well as illegal) that have spread their wings to most of the Empire.

However, the Doskvol branch have fallen on hard times, against competition and several rivalries with cults and churches that disdain their irreverent attitude to the spirits.

Now, with the former criminal defense barrister from Iruvia, Kain de Jayan-Grimm (The Spider) having moved his practice to Doskvol, two cousins from the northernmost branch spot a chance to return the old Auctionhouse to it’s former glory.

To Aidrian “Thorn” Greywhale (nee Grimm) (The Lurk), a widower from Whitecrown and his 1st cousin, Timoth “Giant” Seeker (nee Grimm) (The Leech), a former military scientist from the Skovlan, their newly arrived southern kinsman is just the face they need to get back into the whispering trade.

However, Doskvol seems to be happy that the Grimms are but a memory, and very few seems to respect the old lineage, so they got their work cut out for them.