Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night.

Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night.

Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night. 

I had meant to have a lot more prep work done in advance, custom character sheets and such, but I just ran out of time.  I cut the Whisper playbook out completely as it will need some retooling for my setting, so we had the other four playbooks represented.  We also had some difficulty figuring out the Crew creation from the two rule sets, so we just winged some of that too.  I think it turned out well, and the group seemed to have a good time.


5 thoughts on “Our play report from our first adventure “The Warehouse Job” from last night.”

  1. Excellent writeup. I enjoyed reading how things were starting to entangle and how you fluidly included rules and rolls without naming them outside of the narrative. Bravo.

  2. Oh by the way, in my gaming group I got a NPC named Kristabell “the Adjutant” Maddoks, guess who was inspiring that character 😛

    And well I also remember the veggy seller from Avatar. Was hillarious.

  3. I really like all the names for things, groups & places in your world.

    It’s cool that the crew all chose Drink as their vice; they can share that scene and it can be acted out every time if you choose.

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