Scum and Villainy streaming Thursday 4/6 at 7PM PST

Scum and Villainy streaming Thursday 4/6 at 7PM PST

Scum and Villainy streaming Thursday 4/6 at 7PM PST

As per requested, I’m posting our scheduled events here. Please join Stras Acimovic, Andi Carrison, Jory Bowers and myself for a game of Scum and Villainy on Thursday over at

We’ll play the crew of the Stardancer, carrying cargo illicit and otherwise to make our way in the Procyon sector. Wish us luck. Or better yet, come join us!

24 thoughts on “Scum and Villainy streaming Thursday 4/6 at 7PM PST”

  1. Ooh, neat. I saw Thieve’s Can’t before, but somehow never noticed it was a video series. Excellent news, I look forward to seeing you on the opposite side of the screen Sean.

  2. The ship’s actually done by a pro artist (Tomasso Renieri). It’s actually a wireframe in V20. That’s just an angle I liked with basic grayscale on top of it (I have a bunch of 360 degree images of all the ships).

  3. Sean Nittnerโ€‹ Do you know if the Roll20 sheets for S&V will be made available on the community sheets archive anytime soon? I’m gonna be running S&V for my online group in a month or two, and I’d love to use the Roll20 sheets for it.

  4. Stras and his Roll20 partners are still fine tuning them so I wouldn’t say “soon” but they will come out. However, if you have a pro account you can access the GitHub repository and use them. You can contact Stras Acimovic to get the repository location.

  5. Chris McDonald is working on them (but he has a game and a full time job) for his home game. I’ve just kept him abreast of dev so he can update them as he goes, used them and given critiques and the like.

    If you have a Pro account you can use them now. If not – when they’re done he’ll put them up for R20 integration. But there’s no schedule, and he’s doing this on his own time even though I ping him before every S&V ActualPlay game to get updates and help smooth stuff for the campaign. ^_~

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