4 thoughts on “Roric Returns”

  1. What was the percentage of female players at the con as a whole vs your game? If there’s a dearth of female games in general, odds are poor they would represent solidly in any game.

    If that’s not the case, look at your game description in the con game guide. Too vague? Play up the dynamics of the world vs the characters, or mention the ‘flashback’ mechanism specifically (my favorite mechanic about BitD) Mention Ocean’s 11 or Leverage as a ‘it’s like this’.

  2. Arne Jamtgaard, here’s my anecdotal report of the Origins games breakdown by gender pronoun. It may not be 100% accurate but in all cases games I played in that weren’t blades had folks that didn’t go by he/him.

    Bluebeards Bride:

    She/her: 3

    He/him: 2

    The Upgrade:

    She/her: 6

    He/him: 7

    They/them: 1

    Blades Game #1

    He/him: 4


    She/her: 1

    He/him: 4

    Blades Game #2

    He/him: 5

    Blades Game #3

    He/him: 5

    A Crow funeral:

    She/her: 1

    He/him: 2

    They/them: 1

    Serpent’s Tooth:

    She/her: 1

    He/him: 3

    I’ll think on the pitch, but for me I can’t just change the way I talk about a thing, I need to change the thing itself. That may not be universal but I know I’ll feel much for confident billing the game as something more attractive to a diverse set of gender when I’ve done some work to make the content match that.

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