Up to session 9.

Up to session 9.

Up to session 9. This time, the Little Sisters learned that the Hive are behind a new power consolidating control over the Six Towers through a trade compact called the “The Seventh Tower” and that the compact is looking to spread.

The Little Sisters ran a heist to rob well-to-do folks going to a theater function by blocking passage over the Lesser Marble Street Bridge. The job went relatively well as a freak fire in Dunslough distracted the blue coats until the tail end of the job. Ghazeb and Hook (PCs) were both injured but got away with the coin.

Unfortunately, the Inspectors made great strides in the case they had been working on against the Little Sisters (faction longterm project) and got enough evidence to seize their HQ. The Little Sisters have since done a lot of recon against the Investigators and have found the Investigators and Bluecoats have set a trap should the gang try to reclaim their HQ through force.

This also means they have lost access to all of their turf until they establish a new HQ or reclaim their old one.

4 thoughts on “Up to session 9.”

  1. Twohats is conveniently absent whenever there’s a serious situation. I’d start asking where he goes whenever you guys have a crazy mission to blow up blue coats.

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