My regular group was wondering yesterday if after a score do you roll entanglements before adding heat?

My regular group was wondering yesterday if after a score do you roll entanglements before adding heat?

My regular group was wondering yesterday if after a score do you roll entanglements before adding heat? or do you add heat then roll entanglements?  (I couldn’t find any reference to it in the pdf, apologies if I’m just being stupid and just can’t find it )

6 thoughts on “My regular group was wondering yesterday if after a score do you roll entanglements before adding heat?”

  1. I’ve always done heat first, and I’m not sure if I have a good reason for that. Quickly perusing the rules I didn’t see anything specific. Heat comes after the score, and entanglements come after the payoff. Payoff also happens after the score, but which comes first? I’d say that it makes sense to do heat first because a number of the entanglements make sense as consequences from your previous job, like Getting picked up by bluecoats for questioning or being visited by the unquiet dead. If the entanglements are complicates from your previous job, it makes sense that your heat should count on that roll.

  2. I always do Score, Heat, Entanglements, Downtime so that the added heat for  the score is in place for the Entanglements and can’t be removed by Downtime actions before having an effect on Entanglements.

  3. Makes sense to me. The last job my players did, they ended up rolling Unquiet Dead, which we immediately interpreted as being visited by a ghost from someone they’d killed during the job.

  4. Yes, that happened on Saturday. The job involved getting rid of a mercenary swordsman who has annoyed Mylera Klev. The crew killed him in a tavern brawl (staged) and later had to exorcise the ghost from the Leaky Bucket to get a spy’s help to murder someone else. Fitted the game to a tee.

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