So I don’t know if I’m asking in the right place, or if this has been answered somewhere else, like on the…

So I don’t know if I’m asking in the right place, or if this has been answered somewhere else, like on the…

So I don’t know if I’m asking in the right place, or if this has been answered somewhere else, like on the Kickstarter – haven’t been able to find anything on here at least – but is the hand drawn super detailed has-every-building-in-Doskvol-sort-of map going to be in the Special Edition hardcover only, or is it going to be released later in some other form, or is it somehow in the released pdf but someone did a ritual to make it invisible to mundane non-occult types like myself? Has the whole thing been scrapped because it was just too beautiful and ambitious a thing for this harsh, cold world? It just looked so gorgeous on stream the few times I’ve seen it, I have to admit I was more than a little sad to not find it in the book. Apart from that, I completely love the release, the changes, the more developed setting and background, and am totally giddy to change to the new rules with my group next week. Just wanted to know if I’d missed something.

8 thoughts on “So I don’t know if I’m asking in the right place, or if this has been answered somewhere else, like on the…”

  1. Don’t think those are the maps. I remember a much more detailed map mentioned that Mr. Harper said he was having made up for him. Saw a pic of it mentioned once but can’t remember where.

  2. Your summons has been heard! That map does indeed exist and I am looking at it right now! 😉 I’m going to play coy for a moment here and just say – there will be an announcement about it (and something even more) in the very near future.

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