I have a question regarding the roll20 sheets.

I have a question regarding the roll20 sheets.

I have a question regarding the roll20 sheets. What would you consider to be ‘best practices’ for dealing with the Crew sheet. I notice that every character sheet has a Crew Sheet attached to it. Would it be better to have an extra ‘character’ that all players can access to keep track of the Crew information – or should all characters be keeping track of things on their own crew sheet?

Just wondering how other people are handling this.

6 thoughts on “I have a question regarding the roll20 sheets.”

  1. Haven’t done it in practice yet, but I’ve made a separate, extra “character” sheet for the Crew. Seems to make sense to have everything in one place.

  2. Extra sheet and if anyone wants to be redundant for safeties sake they can also track it on their own sheet. I’ve always done extra sheet for crews. As long as everyone is communicative about who is in charge or actively updating at the moment it’s fine. You just can’t have 2 people updating 2 different fields at the same time. It doesn’t handle that well.

  3. I make a character sheet that is separate from the rest and stays toggled to being a Crew sheet, it’s up to the players to coordinate who is marking any changes to it (or forgetting to, occasionally).

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