Shipping Update (Updated 6/22)

Shipping Update (Updated 6/22)

Shipping Update (Updated 6/22)

Greetings scoundrels, I wanted to let you know where all the books that we know about are (the ones we don’t know about were claimed by Lord Scurlock and we’re not asking him any questions):

US Orders

* Standard edition (only) orders are all shipped and now in retail stores. We have tracking numbers for these available on request.

* Special edition orders (and orders that include both standard and special edition) are complete. Tracking numbers have been sent out by email. If you haven’t received yours, check your spam filter.

Canada Orders

All books (standard and special) have shipped. Woo, Starlit! Tracking numbers available on request.

Other international locations

GameQuest has shipped out all the international orders and emailed all tracking numbers. Unfortunately about 200 of the shipments were sent using carriers that don’t provide tracking, so in those instances the emails just indicate that the package was sent but there is no tracking information available.

If you’re one of these recipients, you may want to determine the average time to get a parcel form the UK and base your estimates on when the orders should arrive on that.

59 thoughts on “Shipping Update (Updated 6/22)”

  1. To be clear the shipper that delayed the shipment to GamesQuest was DHL, not GQ, lest folks conflate the two. They dropped the ball, like, three? Five? Times? Our friends at GQ were just as upset about this as we were.

  2. Very understandable 🙂 I’ve had weird issues with DHL in the past, as well. Don’t really know what’s going on over there :/

    Just keen to get my Blades, whenever and however that comes! [starts planning a heist to recover the Special Edition from DHL]

  3. I’m guessing Games Quest didn’t get any spare Special or Regular editions that would be available to buy, did they? Or are they only dealing with what was already sold?

  4. Just moved across the country… My copy was waiting for me in my new home! Loving what I’ve read so far! What a great house-warming!

  5. Well the Standard Edition has already been sold out and reordered in my FLGS so it seems to be popular.

    I’m crossing fingers that my shipment will come before the local con as I’m demoing Blades there.

  6. Brett B, will do. Should be around the 9th.

    Johndavid Compian, we should get the tracking numbers after all the books are shipped out (should be 6/9). Go ahead and email me then (seannittner at gmail) and I’ll get it to you.

  7. Ben Liepis, I’m working on using MailChimp to send out an merge email to everyone with their tracking numbers. So, knock on wood, I should be able to get them out to everyone in one fell swoop. But if you don’t see one after I make a post that says they have been sent out, defiantly contact me (seannittner at gmail).

  8. Charlie Main, sorry to hear about that. Email me (seannittner at gmail) with a some pictures of the damage and I’ll get a replacement sent out.

  9. Anthony DeMinico the plan is to send out an email to everyone (we finally got MailChimp to cooperate with that), so once I have the tracking numbers I’ll be sending them out.

  10. D Jeremy Brown, is this related to the mailchimp thing?

    I’m slowly twirling in my own head, going crazy over whether it’s in transit or a neighbor stole my package or a mail truck was carried by a roc to Oz or…

  11. My copy arrived sometime this weekend. Many thanks to Sean Nittner for keeping us appraised of the situation! I was a bit worried that it was lost in the aether there (due to a bunch online order problems that all cropped up at once), so I am relieved to have it in hand and elated to know that we have this type of support (and why I will be staying as a loyal customer to Evil Hat).

  12. Great to hear Anthony DeMinico!

    To everyone still waiting for tracking numbers. I sent another reminder first thing this morning requesting them. As soon as I have them I’ll send them all out.

  13. Sean Nittner, I got my Special Edition on Saturday – it is a lovesome thing, wot – but still awaiting my two Standard Edition copies (meant for gifts to get others into the game!)

  14. Brad Elliott, hmm, the should be all together, strange that they weren’t. Would you mind emailing me and I’ll look up your order. (seannittner at gmail). Note, because of a work emergency, I’m going to be very slow on responses today. Hopefully it should all pass over soon though.

  15. Haakon Olav Thunestvedt, GamesQuest has confirmed they have received the shipment. Yes! They’ll need some time to break them all out and start the shipments, but I’m glads they’ve finally made it over!

  16. US Orders

    * Standard edition (only) orders are all shipped and now in retail stores. We have tracking numbers for these available on request.

    * Special edition orders (and orders that include both standard and special edition) are complete. Tracking numbers have been sent out by email. If you haven’t received yours, check your spam filter.

  17. Sean Nittner, I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for how much work you put into the logistics of getting us this great game. 🙂

  18. Finally got movement on the mail tracker. It took eight days to move from Indiana to Iowa.

    Always pay for expedited shipping ladies and gentlemen. Odds of bloodletter jacking your train? Very low.

  19. Arrived in Indiana today (Zionsville, just outside of Indy) by USPS. Interestingly, the books were packed in UPS padded envelopes inside the box. Package was predicted to arrive two days later.

    Books look fantastic, by the way. 🙂

  20. Hrafn Afnsaz I feel your pain. Mine was stuck on the truck for 4 days before it was scanned at a post office. I figure this is what having -2 status with a tier IV faction feels like.

  21. So I got this email about a parcel sent to me from

    Britain by Direct Entry Solutions. Does that have anything to do with GamesQuest sending out books in Europe or did I just get random spam?

  22. GamesQuest hasn’t given us an update yet, but I assume that is because they are still in the middle of shipping, but since I’ve heard at least a few international backers have received their books, it sounds like they are underway!

  23. I’m a few days late, but I did indeed get mine!

    I also must have misread my order, because these amazing hardbacks are definitely not the paperbacks I assumed I was getting and wow, are they slick!

  24. Update 6/21

    Other international locations

    GameQuest has shipped out all the international orders, however, they haven’t sent over tracking numbers yet. I’ve put in the request and once I have them, I’ll start sending them out.

  25. Other international locations

    GameQuest has shipped out all the international orders and emailed all tracking numbers. Unfortunately about 200 of the shipments were sent using carriers that don’t provide tracking, so in those instances the emails just indicate that the package was sent but there is no tracking information available.

    If you’re one of these recipients, you may want to determine the average time to get a parcel form the UK and base your estimates on when the orders should arrive on that.

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