Hi Blades fans

Hi Blades fans

Hi Blades fans,

My Forged in the Dark game, Copperhead County, just had a pretty big update. Copperhead County is a modern-day, non-supernatural, Blades-engine game about organized crime and political corruption in the US South. You begin the game broke and hopeless in America and seek the dream of wealth and independence by building an empire across an Appalachian county ruled by a corrupt political-criminal regime, as the local population, economy, and culture slouch forward into the 21st century. Touchstones: Breaking Bad, The Wire, Justified.

Copperhead County has been in Early Access on itch.io this year and features new actions, six new PC playbooks, three crew types, an original setting, and changes large and small to the Blades mechanical core (primarily around engagement, harm, and tier/turf/claims). This update brings us closer to a final stand-alone release, and adds in lots of new pages with complete action descriptions and examples, player best practices, and lots of general polish. I and my trusty captain Michael Crowley are forging ahead on writing the rest of the final content this winter, so more updates are coming down the road.

If that sounds interesting to you, one can find Copperhead County on itch.io and/or holler at me here.
