Some people are getting together to try to make a collective move to something else for indie games now that G+ had…

Some people are getting together to try to make a collective move to something else for indie games now that G+ had…

Some people are getting together to try to make a collective move to something else for indie games now that G+ had been given 9 months to live. I plan to see what the RPG Communities decide as a whole since I am used to going to one place for all the indie love.

4 thoughts on “Some people are getting together to try to make a collective move to something else for indie games now that G+ had…”

  1. Tell me you will have a MeWe presence LOL, about 3/4 of my G+ communities have presences there now and – yes being selfish – would love to have all my RPG eggs in on basket, but I understand if you choose an alternative site.

  2. Personally I had not decided on anything just yet but it does seem that many are trying MeWe. I will probably go with what ever seems to get the most pull for the same reason.

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