A new map of Mudwater means I started a new playtest for A Fistful of Darkness ( #aFistfulOfDarkness ). We have a posse of Hellstone Scavengers with The Gamble, The Thunderheart, The Speaker & The Outlaw. Great fun in session 0 while worldbuilding and establishing relations with Mudwater’s factions. Excited players standing around the table and lots of “this is so cool!” shouting is always a good sign 🙂
Interesting twists on Thunderheart and Speaker because both have a southern/atzec/inca twist in their background. I’m really excited because I see lots of playerbooks in action I did not see before. Really looking forward to the next session.
Is that an Inkarnate map?
Matthew Everhart Yes, it is. Nice tool.
Stefan Struck indeed it is, you’ve done a great job in your map!
Is such a good tool. Great job!
What I’m really missing in Inkarnate is a simple black pen. “Deep Scar” should be a long / black drop but there is no dark texture/item/pen in the toolset to do this. Strange, or am I missing something?
I wish I had even the foggiest idea how Inkarnate works. These maps are awesome! I’m so jealous cos mines literally blank octogons with place names written inside 😛
All my Inkarnate skills come from watching a youtube tutorial and fiddling with it for maybe an hour. It’s easy when you know what it’s not capable off (then you stop to try that).
Mmm… maybe I should stop to work on my aFoD hex map icons and start working on Inkarnate resources for aFoD. Good idea, maybe.
youtube.com – Making Worlds with Inkarnate
Thank you so much for that resource! My map looks so much better now 🙂
Antimatter Cool and good looking 🙂