Whipped up a Forged in the Dark table reference to help with determining position and effect. I hope you find it useful!
Whipped up a Forged in the Dark table reference to help with determining position and effect.
Whipped up a Forged in the Dark table reference to help with determining position and effect.
Oooh, I love it. Simple design and well-structured.
Assist is 1 stress, not 2.
Good catch! Thanks Nikolas Aleliunas
I think it’d be useful to include Pushing for effect, and the fact that you can Push twice on a roll to get and extra die AND extra effect.
Can you push for Effect? I didn’t know that. And I thought you could only push once!
The more you know…
Per page 13 of Blades, you can Push yourself for an extra die (forgoing a Devil’s Bargain), Push for an extra effect level, and Push yourself to take action when you’re incapacitated. You can do any or all of these on a roll as required, but each one costs 2 stress.
Resist – If think it’d be “relevant” rather than “lowest” attribute