Question for the Leech’s out there, what would it take to make a self propelled wagon/stagecoach?

Question for the Leech’s out there, what would it take to make a self propelled wagon/stagecoach?

Question for the Leech’s out there, what would it take to make a self propelled wagon/stagecoach?

2 thoughts on “Question for the Leech’s out there, what would it take to make a self propelled wagon/stagecoach?”

  1. Quick and dirty—four clock for some basic mechanics and a bound ghost or petty demon. Just hope you don’t get in an accident and have it freed.

    Safer and longer-a couple of linked six and eight clocks maybe?

    – 6 to design a miniaturized engine

    – 8 to install it and revise plans as schematics meet the real world

    Or a couple scores to find someone who has one, and then steal it, then spend a good long while fighting them off as they come after you for their stuff. (AKA the beginning of several Gundam shows)

  2. Im sure ectoplasm powerd stagecoachs are mentioned in the white crown section. So they are already about it’s just getting your hands on one and the fule to run it. If you want to invent your own then I would say as above but made a bit easier if you had one to study, you’re not having to tred perticully new ground.

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