I’m in the process of making some XP reminders for my Scum & Villainy group. They don’t always find it easy, at the end of our sessions, to recall all of their XP triggers. Additionally, I think little reminders to roleplay their backgrounds, traumas, etc. would be helpful.
There’ll be six for each player, which they’ll have in front of them as visual reminders, and eight for the ship (probably on the ship sheet). As they trigger XP during play, they’ll pop a stick into the mug. At the end of play, counting XP will be quick and memory-free.
This is the theory, of course. 🙂
This is really clever! I love colorful, tactile things like this.
This would be cool to do as cards with art representing the various triggers. You know if I was artistically talented 😀
This is cool! Like it.
Darkcyde1980 Cards would definitely work, as would poker chips, beads, etc.
What a cool idea! Thanks for sharing, Scott.
Love the idea! I would likely use tongue depressors. Then they would have space to quickly jot down the moment and have a physical log.