Newbie question: In the playbooks, each character has a list of “friends” from which s/he chooses one Close Friend…

Newbie question: In the playbooks, each character has a list of “friends” from which s/he chooses one Close Friend…

Newbie question: In the playbooks, each character has a list of “friends” from which s/he chooses one Close Friend and one Enemy or Rival. What happens to the NPCs who aren’t chosen? Are they still friends of the PC, or are they unknown to the PC because s/he didn’t choose them?

(Or, if I’m missing something obvious, just throw me the page number and I’ll be suitably abashed.)


6 thoughts on “Newbie question: In the playbooks, each character has a list of “friends” from which s/he chooses one Close Friend…”

  1. The PC knows these other NPCs and can contact them easily. But they are not best friends, more like business contacts.

    I’m pretty sure this is an official ruling, but I don’t have a page number right now…

  2. I think that’s up to you and the GM. I seem to remember some of those NPCs are on more than one playbook, so they could be friends/rivals of more than one PC. Were I the GM, I’d like to write up a bit about all those NPCs and have them on call whether they’re chosen by players or not.

  3. You know all of them, and can go to any of them for help with something, but your friend is more likely to help you without asking for something in return. Your rival/enemy will show up to cause trouble.

  4. It had never occurred to me to use the other NPCs on the playbook at all. But isn’t it a little strange that every Cutter knows the same exact set of people?

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