Put together a Duskvol calendar for reference use. Also put in time zone conversions for both Duskvol and U’Duasha. Hope you all enjoy and let me know if you have any suggestions. (Updated link to PDF and in a page format for ease of use)
Put together a Duskvol calendar for reference use.
Put together a Duskvol calendar for reference use.
I’m unsure why they have seasons if they don’t have a sun.
Peter Cobcroft As it says in the book:
“This was once a storybook fantasy world of magic and wonders, which was destroyed and an industrial civilization was built on top of the ruins.”
“Don’t expect scientific realism here.”
I like this! Great work!
This is excellent. With a good reference like this, players are more likely to accept using a fantasy calendar.
Peter Cobcroft seasons are in the book for Duskvol so I included them.
Glad you all like it! I’m looking forward to using it myself for more immersion.
It would be dope to see this in the Players Kit style. In a neat one page pdf.
Awesome work.
Definitely using this. My game includes the passing of sessions and time as an important component anything that makes that more alive is a good thing. Many thanks!
Moinen I have a friend I can ask to see if that is possible since that would be amazing! If I get it done I’ll make sure to post
It would be super cool to also include the actual Akorosan clock. With names around it. If you wonder why its upside down, it’s to better translate it to our system. Sorry for the language but you can see the Honor hour at the bottom. Its dawn or the “blind hour” – I made a call and said that it happens around 6 of Earth time and aligned it in such a way that by looking at this clock you see 3 things: number, a name and also you can look at it as it was our clock. Jedwab(Silk) is at our 12(midnight), WÄ™giel(Coal) at our 3.
Moinen That is a cool clock! Where are you pulling the names from for the other hours? I do not recognize them.
It looks very good. How do you roll for the weather with it?
The names are polish(I’m from Poland) sorry for that. I just sent what I already made. It’s not final. Just a proof of concept.
Moinen I normally just roll a random die in Roll20 during session and that generates my weather (in this case a d11) also updated the link at the top so it is in one page and clean looking. I have a friend from Poland, though I do not know many words.