Just playing around with a new sketching program called Mischief. So far it seems to work very well with my Surface Pro. Banged out this fine fellow in about half an hour.
Oliver Morley used to be a Professor of Imperial History at the College of Imperial Science at Doskvol Academy, until a scandal forced him out, and he found himself in Ironhook for three months on a trumped up burglary charge. He’s since decided that if society is going to treat him like a criminal, he might as well become one. To that end, he has gathered together several like-minded individuals and founded an up-and-coming gang of Shadows calling themselves The Fourth College.
As a Spider, Morley is the very model of self control (I took Functional Vice as my starting ability). He realizes that he has a lot to learn about leading a life of crime, so he views every new situation as a teaching experience.
OOC, there’s a very deliberate Breaking Bad Season 1 vibe going on.