I might have spotted an error on the Playbook Sheets. The latest version of the rules says that the Whisper’s Fine Lightning Hook is a 1-load item due to its’ unique, collapsible nature, but I’m pretty sure the latest charsheets list them as 2-load items. Page 87 in the book.
I might have spotted an error on the Playbook Sheets.
I might have spotted an error on the Playbook Sheets.
This has been discussed before. I think the unofficial/official answer is that the lightning hook is 1-load until it’s telescoped out.
Then it should be 2 load as it’s used extended. If it goes from 1 to 2 load, that could push you over your limit. Besides, you can just push it back down.
Link to old post. Now I see, why Adam D remembers this questions so well … 🙂
plus.google.com – Hey, someone has almost certainly already asked this, but what’s the Load val…
Stefan Struck ha! I had completely forgotten that conversation.
I really thought I fixed that. Dang.
John Harper, don’t sweat it, brother. You’ve got a ton of things in the mix. Thanks for keeping the polishing going.