Some graphic design for “A Fistful of Darkness”, a Weird West Hack of Blades in the Dark I’m currently working on.

Some graphic design for “A Fistful of Darkness”, a Weird West Hack of Blades in the Dark I’m currently working on.

Some graphic design for “A Fistful of Darkness”, a Weird West Hack of Blades in the Dark I’m currently working on. I’m a bit stuck and doing pretty pictures is a good way to come into the mood. “Hellstone” and monsters from the deep are central elements for this hack, in case you wonder what this crystal and tentacle stuff is all about.

It would be awesome if you give some feedback which one you like most / hate least 😉 Thanks for your time. #aFistfulOfDarkness

29 thoughts on “Some graphic design for “A Fistful of Darkness”, a Weird West Hack of Blades in the Dark I’m currently working on.”

  1. Nice! The idea reminds me to a hacked version of Deadlands. I think FitD would fit very well with this kind of setting: Indian, military, mercenary, outlaws, bounty hunters crews and the typical sects 🙂

    The three images are great. The second one is the most evocative for me!

  2. First is most striking, but I think the third has the best balance between cool imagery and a clear title (though the crystal seems a bit tacked-on).

  3. Bernat Anton Deadlands is definitely an inspiration, just as Shadows of Brimstone. Funny thing is, that the main focus of the hack is not defined yet. I want to wait for the first gaming sessions with that.

    Alex Huddleston Yeah! Thanks for the feedback

    James Iles Alfred Rudzki Good point about the crystal. Will do a rework of this one. Thanks!

  4. I definitely like the second one–the gunslinger shadow grips the eye and the mind immediately and says “this is gonna involve the Old West”. The other two are also pretty good, though: sort of a spaghetti western vibe in the design.

    Hmm. Cthuloid beasties and Old West action? Could be awesome.

    ETA: what Rebecca said! And if not a freakin’ poster, then at least a desktop wallpaper.

  5. The second one is the best and the most subtle, in my opinion. I’m always trying to hack everything into a fantasy old west, so I’m eager for more details!

  6. I like 2 and 3. Don’t care for 1 at all. I think Toby Sennett has a good idea – perhaps a few more implements of the old West. A whisky or tequila bottle with something slithering around inside, some weird arcane sigils carved into a poker chip or written across the back of a poker deck, etc.

  7. Thanks everybody for your feedback. #2 seems to be the most poluar. Toby Sennett Brandon Perkins Thanks for the additions. I’m not sure if I want to add something because I prefer the more minimal stuff, but I will give it a try (Jared Hunt Henry de Veuve… with more contrast!)

    Rebecca W Henry de Veuve I have a bigger version available for creating your own wall paper or poster. Please contact me if you want the bigger file. As mentionend I will make some changes to it. Maybe you want to wait for them first.

    For all: I’m a bit (meaning A LOT) nervous about posting my hack. My last (and former only hack) was a (crappy) Borribles hack of the TMNT/Palladium RPG in the later 80ies and that was only for my friends and was never played. So, please be kind and wait with me how the playtesting will turn out.

    I promise to keep you posted and post the results nevertheless. #fistfulofdarkness

  8. Good stuff, Stefan Struck – whenever you’re ready and comfortable, just rip that bandaid off and post it. If the game is anywhere near as good as the artwork you’ve created for it, I may finally have that weird fantasy Western I’ve been waiting for!

  9. Stefan Struck I will most definitely be interested in the bigger file, but go ahead and take your time with the final version first. Don’t make it too visually busy! I like the simple spaghetti-Western motif as it is.

  10. Stefan Struck Still glorious. The contrast obviously makes the crew + tentacles stand out more. There’s some artsy/album-covery I like about the original — the abundance of negative space, perhaps.

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