Heya guys! For those Blades Hackers out there, what do you all use to change the base character sheet? I am making a sheet from scratch using Publisher, but I feel like there’s a more efficient way to do this. I really am just renaming skills and making new playbooks.
Heya guys!
Heya guys!
I’m using Excel which is painful, but when you have a basic sheet it’s ok
I was thinking of using a PDF editor. I know it will look like crap, but it will be quick.
I start with this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hbz_ox0SDeL1VLNQt-F1mmey5p-1hjjZWMm_kUE7nRk
I do the graphic design later with a combination of a sheet template in Illustrator for the things that don’t change across the sheets, and InDesign for the things (like ability text and special items) that do
I know there are lower cost approaches, and some image editing software should be able to handle the heavy lifting
Check out AD1066.com for Ben Morgan​’s custom sheets for Blades and more.
Rebecca W Thanks. 🙂
All my stuff was laid out in Xara Designer Pro, and the form fields were done in Acrobat Pro.
Y’all are amazing! This will help a lot!