My First Game Part 2

My First Game Part 2

My First Game Part 2

As this was effectively a one-off, we rattled through Downtime super-quick and skipped entanglements. Mostly, they used their vices to manage stress – though the Hound over-indulged and wound up bragging for extra Heat (which was entertaining but unlikely to pay off).

Things escalated for Job 2. The group realised they had smuggled an awful spectre into the city – and one with a burning desire to kill Lord Strangford. They realised it was a conspiracy Bowmore, Clelland and Rowan to arrange the ‘perfect assassin’ and get Strangford off the Council – but no one would believe them.

The Spider gleaned that the likeliest opportunity was at an open meeting of the Council to discuss banning Iruvian art as being more likely to be ‘cursed’. The Spider had an art dealer friend (smuggling contact) and managed to infiltrate the crew. The Hound and Lurk dressed as priests but failed their Consort, so they resorted to bribing the guards with Coin and knowing that they were regarded as suspicious.

The Spider concealed their gear in a fake statue, so their weapons etc were to hand – but not on them. Unfortunately, this was also the conspirators plan as one Iruvian statue with four swords (basically Kali-esque) turned out to be a well-made Hull that the spectre was going to use to kill Strangford.

When the statue animated, the Hound shot it with electroplasmic rounds – but couldn’t pierce the armour. The Lurk tried to get in the way with swords but found his hands full of the conspirator’s henchman (the passenger from the smuggling job).

The Whisper Compelled the Spirit out of the Hull just enough for the Spider to use the Hound’s spare pistol (also with electroplasmic rounds) to shoot the spectre.

Unfortunately, violence in the Council chamber attracted the guards – at which point, the Spider used our first proper flashback to reveal that she had doped their drinks in the guard room earlier. The Lurk looked like a master swordsman as he fended off a bunch of doped guardsman to allow the group to escape.

There was no Coin for this – but it was a one-off and the PCs felt like heroes for stopping the conspiracy (which they had unwittingly aided). The end.


The second score went a bit better than the first one as the group started to get more into the swing of the game’s style, hence the first flashback – and the teamwork move between Spider and Whisper. Always good to end on a high point, with people keen to play again.

Although I will probably reboot because I don’t want to think about the kind of Heat that comes from kicking off a fight in a Council chamber (against 50% of the Council’s plans) and doping the guards.

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