I put this together for my group’s third session – the plan is to do a new one before each session from now on…

I put this together for my group’s third session – the plan is to do a new one before each session from now on…

I put this together for my group’s third session – the plan is to do a new one before each session from now on (after all, the grunt work’s all done!). I wanted to create something that really shows how their actions have an impact – it’s not like they’re making headlines themselves yet, but the things they’ve done are starting to appear (indirectly, in most cases) in the press. I also took the opportunity to throw in some interesting hooks they could grab onto and use as inspiration for scores – I’ve not planned anything out beyond what’s on the page – as well as a few miscellaneous bits to bring the world to life. I’ll be printing out a copy (maybe broadsheet sized if I’m feeling fancy) for the table – if nothing else, it’s a nice in-world artefact!

I’m not a designer or layout expert by any means, but this was easy enough to throw together in Illustrator. If anyone wants the file so they can replicate it for their own group, lemme know and I’ll upload it 🙂

7 thoughts on “I put this together for my group’s third session – the plan is to do a new one before each session from now on…”

  1. Chris Lundeen Amazing! That was actually a follow-on from the starting situation in our campaign – the crew were based in Coalridge, where there was an ongoing scuffle between the Lost (terrorising the cruel foremen) and the Billhooks (brought in to stop them), and now the Lost were recruiting the crew to help them out. This article’s the result of the first session, in which they did some investigating, found out that the Billhooks’ payment was going to be left in a warehouse near the docks, and tipped off the Dockers that another faction was moving in on their turf. It was very neatly done, and ended up with the Dockers stealing the Billhooks’ payment. Beautiful.

    But yeah, go ahead, steal it and make use of it!

  2. James Hewitt I’ve been looking for JUST THIS typenof thing and need an excuse to learn illustrator! My game starts in the new year and wanted a starting broadsheet to set the stage

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