So i have a groupe of smuglers where one of them became a cultist (demonic notice entaglement).

So i have a groupe of smuglers where one of them became a cultist (demonic notice entaglement).

So i have a groupe of smuglers where one of them became a cultist (demonic notice entaglement). they are tire 1 but managed to get into Iron hook and free the daemon. all the players having sever woneds and stressing out one arfter the other. (was trying to kill them for what feals like houres). They now have a -3 relation with both iron hook prison and the spirit wardens, any sugestion to what kind of strike team they are going to send arfter them?

5 thoughts on “So i have a groupe of smuglers where one of them became a cultist (demonic notice entaglement).”

  1. Depending on your game and desires, several Billhooks (as well as their leader) are “guests of the ‘Hook”. Perhaps some well-applied pressure sends some of loyal followers after the crew? If they’re clever, they might exploit the simmering vitriol between the Billhook leadership, assuming they learn of it.

    There’s also the Lampblacks and Bluecoats, who are both allied with Ironhook.

  2. Maybe it’s time for them to face the Suicide Squad.

    A little-known loophole in the law allows the Spirit Wardens to harvest ghosts from those who commit suicide in Ironhook. Those ghosts are chained to penitents who control them with plasmic gauntlets synched to the insane spirits. These speechless (not actually mute, just… quiet) hunters are like horrible Pokemon masters or combat K-9 units, each with 2-5 ghosts trapped in a harness to be released and coordinated at will.

    Penitents are former spirit wardens who committed unforgivable crimes, and they can usually withstand the impossible pressure of being hunters for 1-6 years before they snap under the weight of the psychic horror. They are cultivated to rise as specters, and the leader of each hunter squad has a specter at service to serve as the closer when the prey is flushed.

    The suicide squads tend to operate in groups of 4; the Lead Hunter, Gunbearer, and two Beaters. They answer to spirit warden law codes and can safely ignore bluecoats and aristocrats; when they hit the streets that means their attention has been earned, and those who stand with their targets are meat to be hollowed, torn down, or burned out.

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