Question for the web-mind:

Question for the web-mind:

Question for the web-mind:

This weekend I finished the fourth session of an ongoing Blades game. During our sessions, I’ve been in the habit of having the players mark down their XP gained from making Desperate rolls as they make those rolls. For me, it’s simpler than trying to go back and recall each and every roll. However, this session I had a couple of characters who filled their Attribute tracks in the middle of the session. (Helped that a terrible Engagement roll started the whole Score in a Desperate situation!)

The query came up as to whether they could “cash in” on the filled tracks and gain a dot in one of the associated Actions. I made the call to allow them to reset their XP tracks and take that extra dot right away. My rationale was that it was quick and done and helped out the characters. But I was curious how other Blades GMs handle tracking Desperate XP and what you would have done in the same situation.


4 thoughts on “Question for the web-mind:”

  1. I approve. Always err on the side of supporting what the players want, unless there is a reason not to.

    I can’t think of a good reason to say no about cashing it in.

    Especially in Blades where we use flashbacks or mark equipment that hadn’t been previously mentioned.

    The only reason not to allow it would be if you have something more fun in mind, such as a role played story or score about gaining the ability. And even then, only if the player will prefer that.

  2. All from Page 48:

    “During the game session, mark xp:

    When you make a desperate action roll. Mark 1 xp in the attribute for the action you rolled. For example, if you roll a desperate Skirmish action, you mark xp in Prowess. When you roll in a group action that’s desperate, you also mark xp.”

    So, marked during play, when the roll is made.

    “You may mark end-of-session xp on any xp tracks you want”

    Some xp being end-of-session suggests that the other xp is not-just-end-of-session.

    When you fill an xp track, clear all the marks and take an advance.”

    So, whenever it fills, you get the advance.

    “Nadja is playing a Hound. At the end of the session, she reviews her xp triggers and tells the group how much xp she’s getting. She rolled two desperate Hunt actions during the session, so she marked 2 xp on her Insight xp track. She addressed several challenges with tracking or violence, so she marks 2 xp for that. She expressed her Iruvian heritage many times when dealing with the Red Sashes, so she takes 2 xp for that.”

    Note the tenses, there: she marked the desperate roll xp, previously, but now, at the end of the session, marks and takes xp.

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