Superpowers in blades. I know there is a hack coming out to hopefully cover this but wondering how to run a street powers game in blades, especially handling low level powers. I have watched all the YouTube videos including Adam and John’s hacking discussion. I have a good feel for the poetry layer I want and some ideas on playbooks and crews. I just don’t have a good idea how to incorporate powers without upsetting the balance. Any ideas?
Superpowers in blades.
Superpowers in blades.
Use the Magnitude mechanics as a guide and Stress to fuel powers.
Brilliant! That should work well in conjunction with some of the playbook abilities in Blades and Scum and Villainy.
I’d look at abilities like Tempest and Not to be Trifled With as models for using superpowers.
Yeah, plenty of the playbooks already have things in their options that are superpowers already. Just following on from those examples should be fruitful.
Devil’s Footsteps and Tempest work a lot like superpowers, as examples. I used those & the others like it as guides for a spellbook for my Shadowrun hack
I was toying with this idea a year ago. Made some notes, but it’s not developed. Still, you might find some ideas you like. – “Blades in the Dark” Superpower Game Notes