Looking for a pair of players for a Roll20 game.
We lost some one tonight due to- I think- a choice on communication platforms (Discord doesn’t like me). I currently have a group of Assassins looking to make a name for themselves.
We play Wednesday nights at 7pm eastern. Here is the LFG page: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/89413/the-nights-edge
I would be so down if this was Thursday nights
Sadly, my Thursdays are full.
I’d like to join if you’re still looking, although I’m busy this Wednesday (the 4th.)
Still looking, but I will happily add you for next week (the 11th).
I’m definitely up for a spot if there’s still space
Yep, there is still space. Here is the link (I could not figure out how to send it privately): https://app.roll20.net/join/2579025/zR_tMg