We’re so fucked!

We’re so fucked!

We’re so fucked!

Originally shared by Robert Bohl

I played my second session of John Harper’s Blades in the Dark last night*. We had our first failed job. Our Whisper accidentally let loose a demon on Coalridge, and the Spirit Wardens were about to bomb the shit out of the district, killing lots of people. We went in with weapons designed to kill demons, which were summoned from the corpse of a slavers’ accountant that our Cutter created to need. We fucked up our engagement roll and wound up caught in the crossfire between demon cultists and the Spirit Wardens. We snuck out, and into a confrontation with the demon, which went utterly to shit, with two of the three in the team being left behind with the demon, and my Slide fucking off to safety.

This was a minorly irksome mission for me. There wasn’t much for my Slide to do. She did some recon and discovered an easy score that we could hit while we were in the district dealing with the demon, but we didn’t have enough time to get to it (so I kinda wasted everyone’s time looking for it, though I can follow it up later). I also went into this not knowing how bad it would be to face a demon, but I decided my character was willing to help out a former military buddy and current crewmate for a fuckup. But there was basically nothing we could’ve done about it, even if I had been of some use. Demons are powerful.

I overstate. I was of some use. I distracted the demon momentarily by pretending to be running from my friends, which got the Cutter a (useless) shot against it that wouldn’t have otherwise been possible. And at the end, I tried to Sway the demon to let the Cutter and me go, pointing out that he had the Whisper who was the cause of all this. He allowed me to run, but didn’t let me take the Charming (the Cutter).

So it’s weird. It was a little frustrating, but it was also an interesting story, and the frustration may have been perfectly right for what my character should’ve been feeling. And it puts us in a very interesting story position I have no idea how we’ll get out of.

(The image is my character portrait for my Slide, Willoughby, who lost both husbands and all her children to the war.)

* If you ever want to watch, we play on most Sundays in the evening (Eastern time) at https://www.twitch.tv/actualplay

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