5 thoughts on “Has anyone done anything set outside the city walls? What kinds of scenarios/environments did you use?”

  1. Our Hound wanted to venture outside the walls to collect a Nightfang (A panther whose pelt refracts light, deeming it invisible) She paid quite a bit of coin to get smuggled out of the city by the Deathland Scavengers, protected by them, found a juvenile one and brought it back to the city.

    She is currently training it in her downtime, we are treating her new pet as a cohort that is permanently prowling. If she wants it to strike while outside, she says the word “Fang” and it attacks her target, we assume it is following her and staying out of peoples way while traveling the city, but if she wants it to follow her into a building she actively needs to guide it.

    Essentially she can summon it at will while outside. But once inside it’s presence is somewhat known.

    But for outside of the city, some of the idea’s I’m playing around with is.

    Artifact a demon is bound to and someone wants it retrieved

    A ghost lost outside the walls wanted to be retrieved by a wealthy loved one to put it in an obedient Hull

    Smuggling something or someone in or out.

    Interrupting a supply line

    Infiltrating a Crazy Noblemans home outside of the city, protected by lightning barriers and filled with Hulls.

  2. I ran my gang of Bravos outside of Doskvol to find a shard of a demon that had been stashed away in an abandoned naval yard/training base. They chartered a small fishing boat to follow along the coast to get there… as far as environment? I played up how very dark it was outside of the city. At least in the city there’s sometimes some sort of light, but once out far enough away it’s pitch black.

    The base was over a day away, and I described how a pack of husks ran along the coastline following the boat until something else distracted the lot and they raced away. Once they got to abandoned base, they found it wasn’t so abandoned — a cult had somehow moved in and warded it against outside threats, and had found a way to forge spark-craft eyes for them to see in the dark by ritually carving themselves up.

    I think the gang was properly shaken up after the ordeal.

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