Showing V2 of my (compressed) roll20 backgrounds for the awesome crew “Deveras Wille” along with some insight of…

Showing V2 of my (compressed) roll20 backgrounds for the awesome crew “Deveras Wille” along with some insight of…

Showing V2 of my (compressed) roll20 backgrounds for the awesome crew “Deveras Wille” along with some insight of what is useful from my POV:

– In the old version I had two seperate pages for the players and their stats and the Doskvol map. Don’t do that. You (=GM) has to switch the view all the time which is pretty anoying during play. Better is to have them on one page because now the players can navigate by themself.

– Make it as big / small as us like because players are free to zoom in/out and move it as they like

– Don’t use too complicate photoshopped background pictures. Instead use seperate png-based tokens (= transparent background) to import into roll20. It’s better to arrange them in roll20 because you’re more flexible.

The Faction clocks and the net of NPC/Faction connections are single tokens arrangend in roll20.

– GM Layer (semi-transparent in the picture) is great for GM-only clocks: You (=GM) has them in sight and they are hidden from the players.

– Rollable tables with tokens are awesome. I use them now for clocks, stress tracks and action dot tracks. They worth the effort because you’re full flexible during play: Just click them chose the next value and you’re done. Great.

Mind that the stress tracks and action tracks are not linked to the Character Sheet. I are updated manually which is a bit of hassle but ok.

We’re having 14 sessions now with this crew and it runs really smooth. Pretty proud of the result.

30 thoughts on “Showing V2 of my (compressed) roll20 backgrounds for the awesome crew “Deveras Wille” along with some insight of…”

  1. This is AWESOME. Is there a “Stefan Struck complete roll20 art set” somewhere?

    Note: you may be interested in my blades-helper script for linking the stress track and/or clocks to the sheet automatically (doesn’t work for action tracks, however).

  2. Thanks guys! You made my day πŸ™‚

    Jakob Oesinghaus I saw your script already but I only have a basic roll20 account. No, I don’t have and art set ready. The Faction tokens are somewhere here in an older post of mine and for the clocks I use tokens posted by some other guy (sorry cannot remember the name). The (N)PC Cards are unique PS projects and I don’t own the rights for most of the pictures I use. I already did some cards on request, so if you need some cards I’m more than willing to pay back your awesome work on the roll20 charactersheets πŸ™‚

  3. There is a script that automatically advances a rollable table token one (or more) sides per activation. I made a macro button, and all the clocks on rollable tables, plus the trauma, stress, and so on. Its on the table top and the player can see the clocks go up. I would give a link to the script…but I forgot its name and where to find it.

  4. Those Npc cards are really the best. And I like the relationship map you got drawn up. Well done. The other players are very lucky to get to play in that sand box.

  5. Holy crap! This is amazing!

    I use Roll20 and I stream my games live on Twitch, and something like this would be awesome since we have audience. Keeping people visually engaged with, compared the the black and white map from the book.

  6. Stefan StruckThanks for the heads up!

    And yes, unfortunately most of our livestreams arent Europe friendly times (unfortunately) but we do have a YouTube, and the entire 1st season of out Blades campaign is up there for your viewing pleasure.

  7. Very cool!

    I tried to post screenshots of my desktops to the group, and my post doesn’t show up here. I’ve had this issue before with other groups. Either a setting on my account is set wrong somewhere, or G+ assumes I’m a spammer every time I try to share an image. πŸ™

  8. James Dudli Travis Heldibridle No, I did not use the clocks from the charactersheets. I used the ones by Alex Sipiere from this post: Thanks again!

    During searching this post I found that old post by Eric Vulgaris. He had some cool props and tools, too: – I made a couple clocks for roll20 after seeing Alex Blue’s sprawl clocks for…

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