I’m currently trying to get a crew together for a new Blades in the Dark game but I have a hiccup that during session 0 I’m going to be under assault from a certain Irma.
I’m currently trying to get a crew together for a new Blades in the Dark game but I have a hiccup that during…
I’m currently trying to get a crew together for a new Blades in the Dark game but I have a hiccup that during…
I should’ve specified I’m running it on Roll20.
I’d love to join, depending on timing. I can wait until after the storm, hope it doesn’t hit you too hard.
good luck hope you ride it ok
Jesse Abelman, I looked up the day it’ll hit and that’s the day after session 0. XD Anyway, I can send ya an invite.
wyrd word thanks, and I hope so too.
Cedric Kulacz That would be awesome. I can’t go through that link, you’ll have to invite me on roll20. Username is Jesseabe. BUt when is it? I may not be able to make the time. If I can, I’d love to play though.
+Jesse AAbelman it’s 5:30 PM EST on Saturday.
Ooof, I can’t make that. Thanks for the invite, and stay safe and dry.
Arrite, I can understand not being able to make it.
So if u are still looking for people after u pull through Irma I would be interested
I just got your message and yes, I am looking for new peeps wyrd word
so you gonna use discord or skype or hangouts for this?
wyrd word Discord, I can send you an invite if you like.
So far it looks like I have a whisper, a leech, and two peeps who wanna be lurks but willing to pick with spider and slide respectively instead. XD
wyrd word app.roll20.net – Roll20: Online virtual tabletop for pen and paper RPGs and board games I may regret posting it like this but I haven’t figured out sending PMs in Google+ yet. XD
cool thnks