Played my first game of Vigilantes with a former-Shadows crew. Heres how it went:

Played my first game of Vigilantes with a former-Shadows crew. Heres how it went:

Played my first game of Vigilantes with a former-Shadows crew. Heres how it went:

A little bit of discussion led to the last-minute creation of a custom faction called the Grenmald – a radical group that split off from the Grinders, Skovs that are all HEAVILY mutated, more than most Grinders – and the decision that instead of the Grinders The Opposition would go up against them as their -2 Faction (for taking docks they wanted). With their group sharing a border with them, The Opposition decided that it would be best to attack and deal a severe blow to them.

So the former noble of the group barreled ahead and attempted to climb down the chimney of a warehouse administration office the Grenmald owned – only to get stuck – followed by the former reporter – who also got stuck – and then both of them fell into the office. They met their first two Grenmald there, killed one, the other managed to shout for help. They killed her, but 8 others slowly made their way. A brutal fight later, one our unfortunate former-noble (the Cutter) was nearly Stressed out. The Spider of the group (another noble background) manages to find a safe and tells the Lurk (former journalist) about it. She proceeds to work on it while the other two go about looking through the now-mostly-empty warehouse looking for and destroying whatever drugs and whatnot the Grenmald was financing their opperation with.

Meanwhile, the Lurk has a bit of trouble with the lock, and decides to just Wreck the lock open with a point-blank shot. She has no points in Wreck, so I offer the Devil’s Bargain “the Grenmald’s leader shows up,” she takes it. However, things go poorly – see, she’d taken a lot of stress as well, and when a partial success prompts her to try and resist Level 1 harm she rolls…. JUST low enough to give her a Trauma. So she passes out in the office, while in the warehouse below a collasal figure completely obscured by robes walks in. The Spider and Cutter hide and plot to attack him.

The Cutter takes out one of the guards, but the Grenmald’s leader – Boris the Animal – is made aware of their pressence. The Spider jumps on him, tries to put him out with slumber essence, but he’s just a little too big to get taken down by it all at once and so tosses him off. The other guard is dealt with fast enough by the Cutter. However, this is where things get interesting, because EVERY member of the crew is Akorosi, and Boris’ got a BIT of a grudge against Akorosi for… well, Lockport in general. So he gets into the fight…

Takes off his concealing robes…

He’s this thing:

And he’s A LOT stronger than either of them, plus the poor Spider keeps rolling 1s on his Hunt. In the end the Cutter pops his rage vial in order to kill him. Boris’ last words are “Skovland…” before his passes. The Cutter, now still VERY much enraged and POSSIBLY going to attack the Spider… knocks himself out to prevent that from happening. So the Spider, now the only one left concious, drags his two friends out of the door of the warehouse. There’s one last guard, who sees Boris’ body; the Spider tries to use this to convince him to back off, because this guard is nowhere near as tough as Boris was… and he rolls terribly. A gunshot and VERY poor Resist roll later, and in a trauma’d panic the Spider drops his friends and runs away, leaving them at the mercy of the Grenmald.

But, my friends, this was only in the FIRST HALF of the session.

Three days later, Cutter and Lurk wake up in a makeshift prison, chain to the walls. Another Grenmald, a mid-tier leader named Brill, gives them an ultimatium: work for the Grenmald he’ll let them live, or don’t and he’ll kill them. The Cutter tries – and fails – to Wreck his way out of the manacles that chain him to the wall, but does succeed in getting Brill close enough to headbutt him unconcious. A foot-fishing for the keys later, they get their equipment back, kill the unconcious Brill, and just BARELY managed to sneak their way out of the Grenwald tavern – the HQ of the mutant Skovs.

So, in summary: in the first session every member of the the crew trauma’d, but they took on a gang a good but tougher than them (Tier 1, but fictionally more powerful and threatening), killed its boss and a subordinate (both were two of the named examples for the gang) which throws their leadership into dissarray (currently have clocks racing as to whether or not they get a new leader or rejoin the Grinders) and rolled SO many Desparate rolls that the Cutter got two advances with only having to throw in 2 XP from session XP.

So in conclusion: this is going to be fun.

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