Cult Special Ability Bound In Darkness – Is each sentence meant as a separate sub-ability?

Cult Special Ability Bound In Darkness – Is each sentence meant as a separate sub-ability?

Cult Special Ability Bound In Darkness – Is each sentence meant as a separate sub-ability? Teamwork maneuvers regardless of distance as one, sharing information for 1 stress as the second?

8 thoughts on “Cult Special Ability Bound In Darkness – Is each sentence meant as a separate sub-ability?”

  1. I’m pretty certain both parts are gained when taking the ability. My players took it for their crew of spooky Shadows and both parts are pretty situational so having both together is what makes it a worthwhile ability. I agree the wording is less clear than other multifaceted abilities though.

  2. I had trouble figuring that out when the crew took it too. Figured out that the teamwork over distance doesn’t cost stress because teamwork actions already have costs: assist- 1 stress, protect- consequence, group action- leader takes stress. So just the communication across distance costs stress.

  3. In a BitD game I run the players picked the cult crew. They were kind of meh on the sharing of information ability? Like with flashbacks and inventory declared mid score. In our play we haven’t been really enforcing like no meta knowledge. “yeah we totally forsaw this happening and have planned for it like this….”

    The only way I see the sharing of information be valuable is if it was like dark esoteric maddening knowledge which you were unable to speak coherently about… But actually that sounds kind of awesome.

    Does anyone else have an idea how the information sharing could be used in play? Would love to hear how other people would play with it.

  4. I ran a cult crew that had this ability. They did a lot of scores where the PCs were scattered over a wide area, and used the information sharing ability to call for help, tell people when to initiate their phase of the plan, etc. Basically allowed them to be rapidly coordinated over a large area with things that flashbacks couldn’t really handle.

  5. When I read through the Crews, it looks like Bound In Darkness and Synchronized have cool synergy for executing perfect critical success plans via teamwork actions. Anyone have experience with that?

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