I thought some of you might be able to help me out with a setting hack I’m working on.
I’m looking for images and resources on Crystal, Gemstone, and Glass gadgets.
Diamondpunk, or Gempunk might be evocative names for what I’m looking for. Any help would be appreciated.
-Never heard of it, but it makes sense that it’s a thing-sounds cool /sub
I’m not really sure if it is a thing, but I’m trying to find images that fit the theme.
oh.. of course: early final fantasy art would be that
seen gem swords and machines running on crystals there
Probably not the direction you want to go, but you should check out Steven Universe
Jadepunk has some cool art in its books. The google results show some of it.
A lot of Eberron art incorporates elements of this, what with dragonshard and psionic artifacts and the like.
Not sure if this will help exactly, but try looking into the Saga of Crystar…
Thanks for the help folks, keep the suggestions coming.
What about glass weapons from Elder Scrolls series. See if you can find some concept or fan art.