Greetings Master Scoundrel Harper.

Greetings Master Scoundrel Harper.

Greetings Master Scoundrel Harper.

I saw and downloaded the Vigilantes information update and crew sheet.

Which is a very cool addition to Blades in the Dark.

One main question: When are the Playbooks (character sheets) going to be added to the update’s section for Bluecoats, Inspectors, Spirit Wardens, Gargoyles, and Wolves??


5 thoughts on “Greetings Master Scoundrel Harper.”

  1. Gargoyles, Wolves and Shields use the Vigilantes Crew sheet. They’re not as mechanically distinct as, say, Bravos and Shadows, they just have different starting upgrades and different fiction.

    I think the intent is that you use the same playbooks as for normal BitD, but choose the Vigilante crew there and follow the unique Crew Creation rules for it.

  2. I am actually waiting for an answer from John Harper since he is the scoundrel in charge ๐Ÿ™‚

    But did you see the post in the updates section and read the Vigilantes supplement? According to the update and supplement you will be able to play characters such as a Bluecoat, Inspector, and a Spirit Warden and start a Vigilante crew.

    See links below and you’ll know what I am referring to: – Update 54: PoD, Bluecoats, and Stretch Goals, oh my! ยท Blades in the Dark

  3. I double-checked I remembered correctly and checked I was reading the most up-to-date version before commenting.

    The descriptions on Page 3 are, to my understanding, thematic underpinnings for your career. Those are examples of who you might be and what you might have done prior to forming a Vigilante Crew–hence the subheading “Choose an Origin.” They do not appear to be descriptions of playbooks.

    With or without the Vigilantes supplement there’s nothing to stop you from playing a Spirit Warden or an Inspector or a Bluecoat. But unless they turned to a life of Scoundrel-ish (or Vigilante) Crime you might want to play without Crews or make your own custom Crew-type for that since the existing Crews are very crime based. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It is my understanding that official Bluecoat support is coming in an entirely separate supplement, as per the update you just linked there and that it is not directly related to the listing of the organizations you listed in the Vigilantes supplement. There isn’t a separate Inspectors supplement planned or a Spirit Wardens one to my knowledge. There are ones for Rail Jacks and Leviathan Hunters in the pipe though!

  4. Thanks for the lengthy explanation.

    I am aware there’s not going to be additional supplements for Inspectors or Spirit Wardens forth coming as of yet. That wasn’t my concern or question.

    My question was “WHEN” and more like “IF” there’s going to be character sheets created and released in the near future for Bluecoats, Inspectors, and Spirit Wardens?

    On page 4 of the Vigilantes supplement it says “SHIELDS: Your vigilantes are Bluecoats, Spirit Wardens, Inspectors, or other would-be peacekeepers in Doskvol.” So that sentence makes it sound like you can play one those characters as a Vigilante. And that’s why I asked the question.

    Well… if the game creators are not going to generate character sheets for Bluecoats, Spirit Wardens, and Inspectors (playing as Vigilantes). I can do it myself. But I’d rather have the creators do it. I love Blades in the Dark, but it’s not my creation. I am not really looking to play a “good guy” in this game, that’s not the point of Blades in the Dark. Then again Vigilantes are really not good guys either.

    I don’t know what is going to be in the Bluecoats supplement until it comes out. I mean why create a Bluecoats supplement if you are not going to be able to play as one? Or as an Inspector or Spirit Warden?

    I guess I’ll just have to wait and see…

  5. You can already play any of these characters with the basic playbooks. The playbooks aren’t so much careers as skill sets. A Hound could be anything–even a former Bluecoat sniper!

    If you want to play an archetype that doesn’t fit any of the existing skill sets, a new playbook sounds like a good solution. But the basic playbooks can take the Law origin (page 54), described as follows:

    “Law: An advocate or barrister, a Bluecoat or inspector (or even Spirit Warden),a prison guard from Ironhook, etc.”

    So you’re definitely supposed to be able to play Bluecoats, Inspectors and such as Slides, Spiders, Hounds, etc. Whether you want to or not is another story.

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