Hello All

Hello All

Hello All,

New GM coming to this game with a question to the community.

My gang is till deciding where to start. Considering their background and clientele, it will end up being in either in CHarlhollow or Coalridge. I would like to be able to give them the full picture of the different factions they would be competing with.

Is there anywhere I can find a list of gangs per district, or a map with a starting position for the different factions?

2 thoughts on “Hello All”

  1. Congrats! You’ve come upon your first chance to do some collaborative worldbuilding!

    Read bits from the district summaries, read off the 1-2 Tier Underworld Faction names, and bits from those Faction summaries, and ask your players: “Which one of these sounds like they Lair in Charhollow? And which Coalridge?”

    John drew you a map, but he left blanks. It’s part of the game (and hopefully the fun) to fill them in.

    Looking at them myself now for the first time, I see that both have a low level of Criminal influence. Both have the same or better level of Security. Maybe no Underworld gangs Lair there? Maybe it’s all Labor, Citizenry, Institutions and Fringe?

    Let it flow from the fiction!

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